01 Oct OxyBatt to be presented at iWOE-30
The ongoing activities of the OxyBatt project will be presented today during iWOE-30 in Darmstadt, Germany.
The International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE) series has become an important venue to discuss recent advances and emerging trends in this developing field. The aim of the workshop is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers – theorists as well as experimentalists – on understanding the fundamental electronic and structural properties and also on the design, synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of (epitaxial) functional oxide materials. Results of critical scientific importance as well as studies revealing the technological potential of functional oxide thin films to create devices with enhanced performance will be showcased.
Federico Baiutti, OxyBatt project coordinator with IREC, will introduce OxyBatt at iWOE-30 in his presentation which is titled “Electrochemical oxygen intercalation for precise tuning of functionalities in next-generation oxide-based devices”.
This represent a great opportunity to position the work carried out in the OxyBatt project – as well as its goals and challenges – in front of the research community that will be present at iWOE3-30.
OxyBatt is a project funded by the EU in the scope of the Horizon Europe program; the project combines applied research, product development and market uptake expertise from 5 partners: Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC – project coordinator), Vienna University of Technology (TUW), Nano4Energy, Alternativa Energy Innovation (AEInnova) and Day One.
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